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Disclaimer: This guide does not serve as prescribed or professional medical advice. ECT is not responsible for malpractice, misuse of medications or equipment, or any further wrong doing. We ask that you consult with your doctor before making any significant medical decisions. 


Medical is an undercovered category within the preparedness realm. Many people will store only a few first aid items and believe they have checked the box, or they have bought a wide variety of products, but do not know how to properly use any of them. While having the gear is important, it is even more important that you are educated on the proper use and application of everything you have (and more!). We highly suggest attending at least one Medical Class that will cover First Aid, Stop the Bleed & CPR (Due to time constraints, unless the class is multiple days, CPR will likely be separate from First Aid & Stop the Bleed).


Since the idea of preparedness is to be prepared for a disruption or all out stop to normal services and a flowing supply and logistics chain, we must also be prepared for medical service to be disrupted. Having a well developed medical plan and inventory may determine the outcome of someone's life. 

First Aid

First aid is one of the largest building blocks for developing your medical skills. It is also likely to be the area of skills that you will use the most. From the home kitchen to workplace incidents, motor vehicle accidents to back backing mishaps, you are likely to see many minor injuries. While these injuries are minor and non-life-threatening in nature, in a world where proper hygiene and clinical care is not guarantied, minor cuts and little bruises may lead to more significant developments if not cared for properly. We suggest keeping first aid kits not only in the home, but also in vehicles and "bug out bags". The following are some standard items to ensure you have in both kits, and on the shelf:

- Band-Aids (Various Sizes)
- 2"x2" Gauze Pads
- 4"x4" Gauze Pads
- 5"x9" Abdominal Pads
- 2" Gauze Rolls

- 4" Gauze Rolls
- Coban Rolls
- Elastic Wrap (Ace)
- Splints (SAM)
- Triangle Bandage
- Eye Guard/Shields

- Anti-Septic Wipes
- Tweezers
- Medical Tape
- Nitrile Gloves
- Surgical Masks

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